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help [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈhɛlp/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/hɛlp/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(help) ⓘ تتطابق عبارة بحثك تمامًا مع واحد أو أكثر من المواضيع في المنتديات تعريف | بالإسبانية | مرادفات إنجليزية | متصاحبات لفظية إنجليزية | تصريف الأفعال الانجليزية [EN] | في النص | صور WR Apps: Android & iPhone Word of the day WordReference WR Reverse (34)

WordReference English-Arabic Dictionary © 2023:

ترجمات رئيسيةالإنجليزيةالعربية help [sb]⇒ vtr (assist)يساعد  I could do the housework much more quickly if you helped me.  سأتمكن من الانتهاء من أعمل المنزل بسرعة أكبر بكثير إذا ساعدتني. help [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (assist with)يساعد شخصًا في شيء  Can you help me with my homework?  هل بإمكانك أن تساعدني في وظائفي؟ help [sb] do [sth], help [sb] to do [sth] v expr (assist in doing)يساعد شخصًا في شيء، يساعد شخصًا على فعل شيء  Paul helped me start my car. I helped an elderly lady to cross the road.  ساعدني بول في تشغيل سيارتي. ساعدت امرأة مسنّة على قطع الشارع. help [sb] vtr (save, rescue)يساعد  Help him! He's having a heart attack!  ساعده! إنه يواجه أزمة قلبية! help [sth]⇒ vtr (improve)يقوّي  Just ten minutes of study a day could really help your French.  بإمكانك أن تقوّي قدراتك في اللغة الفرنسة بشكل معتبر إذا أمضيت فقط عشر دقائق يوميًا في دراستها. help [sth] vtr (relieve)يخفف  This syrup might help your sore throat.  ممكن لهذا الدواء السائل أن يخفف التهاب الحلق الذي تعاني منه. help [sth], help [sth] to do [sth]⇒ vtr (facilitate)يسهّل   يساهم في شيء  Fibre helps digestion.  الألياف تسهّل الهضم. help [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (be useful to)يُفيد   يعين، يساعد   يحسّن  A little bit of salt would help his cooking. You could help me by holding up the other end of the table.  إذا استخدم القليل من الملح فمن شأن ذلك أن يحسّن الأطباق الذي يطهوها. بإمكانك أن تفيدني إذا مسكت الطرف الآخر من الطاولة. help⇒ vi (give aid)يساعد، يقدّم يد العون  We ask all those who can to help.  نحن نطلب من كل من هو قادر أن يقدم يد العون. help with [sth] vi + prep (give assistance with)يساعد في شيء  We are looking for volunteers to help with sports coaching.  نبحث عن متطوعين يساعدون في التدريب بمجال الرياضة. Help! interj (call for assistance)النجدة!  Help! I can't move!  النجدة! لا أستطيع التحرّك! help n (assistance)مساعدة، عون  Louise was in need of some help.  كانت لويز بحاجة لمساعدة.   هل هناك شيء مهم ناقص؟ أبلغ عن خطأ أو اقترح تحسينًا. ترجمات إضافيةالإنجليزيةالعربية help n (aid)عون، فائدة  Dictionaries can be of some help when writing essays. help n informal ([sb] who helps)عون  She was a great help.  لقد كانت عونًا كبيرًا. help n uncountable (employees, assistants)مساعد  We have too much work on. We'll have to hire some help. help n (relief)راحة  A hot bath will be a great help to your sore back. help n (employee, assistant)مساعد  The hired help isn't very good. He broke three of my best plates while he was washing up. the help npl dated (people employed in [sb]'s home)خَدَم  Don't worry about clearing the plates away; I'll get the help to do it. help [sth], help doing [sth]⇒ vtr informal (avoid, prevent)يسع  I can't help thinking she was right all along.  لا يسعني إلا أن أفكر في أنها كانت محقة طوال الوقت. help [sb]⇒ vtr (provide with support)يساند، يساعد  She really helped me when I was at my lowest point.   هل هناك شيء مهم ناقص؟ أبلغ عن خطأ أو اقترح تحسينًا.

WordReference English-Arabic Dictionary © 2023:

أفعال مركّبيّةhelpالإنجليزيةالعربية help [sth/sb] along vtr phrasal sep (give assistance to)يساعد شخصًا/شيئًا   يسهّل على شخص/شيء help out vi phrasal (give assistance)يقدم مساعدة، يساعد  He said he'd help out with moving the furniture, but in the end he never turned up. help [sb] out, help out [sb] vtr phrasal sep (give assistance to)يساعد شخصًا، يقدم المساعدة لشخص  I'd like to help you out, but I'm short of money myself at the moment. turn to [sb], turn to [sb] for help vtr phrasal insep (seek help from [sb])يلجأ إلى شخص، يلجأ إلى شخص للمساعدة  I'm in such a bad situation that I don't know who to turn to. Don't turn to him for help, he can't be trusted.   هل هناك شيء مهم ناقص؟ أبلغ عن خطأ أو اقترح تحسينًا.

WordReference English-Arabic Dictionary © 2023:

صيغ مركبة:helpالإنجليزيةالعربية Can I help you? expr (to a customer)هل يمكنني مساعدتك ؟!  Can I help you? asked the sales clerk. can't help [sth], can't help doing [sth], cannot help v expr (feel compelled to do [sth])يشعر بالحاجة إلى   لا يمكنه التوقف عن  I can't help wondering if she really knows what she's doing. can't help yourself v expr informal (be compelled to do [sth])لا يمكنه كبح نفسه عن فعل شيء  She can't help herself - she has to criticize everything I do. cannot help but do [sth], can't help but do [sth] v expr (find unavoidable)لا يسعني إلا  I cannot help but notice the enormous coffee stain on the front of your white blouse. cry for help n often plural (call for assistance)نداء استغاثة cry for help n figurative (attention-seeking act)استغاثة، مسعى للفت النظر give [sb] help vtr + n (assist)يساعد، يعين God help me! interj (expressing exasperation)كان الله بعوني! help [sb] decide, help [sb] to decide v expr (assist in deciding)يساعد شخصًا على الاختيار  To help you decide between the options, list the pros and cons of each. Help me! interj (expressing need for assistance)النجدة!، ساعدوني!  Help me! That man just stole my purse! help one another v expr (assist each other)يساعد أحدهم الآخر، يتساعد  The students formed study groups, to help one another prepare for the exams. help [sb] up vtr + adv (assist in standing up)يساعده شخصًا على الوقوف  I was so weak that the nurse had to help me up. help [sb] up vtr + adv (assist in climbing)يساعد شخصًا على التسلق  The steps of the tower were steep, so we had to help the kids up, but the climb was worth the view from the top. help yourself vtr + refl (take [sth] offered)تفضّل  I've prepared some printed handouts. Feel free to help yourselves. help yourself to [sth] v expr (serve yourself)تفضل وخذ شيئًا  Help yourself to more cake. help yourself to [sth] v expr (take without asking)يأخذ شيئًا بلا إذن، يسمح لنفسه بأخذ شيء  She helped herself to the office stationery. help yourself interj (take what you wish)تفضَّل كُل ما تريد  There's plenty to eat and drink, folks – just help yourselves. helpdesk, help desk n (technical support centre)مَرْكز خدمة الزبائن  Surely someone at the helpdesk can fix your computer problem. helpdesk, help desk n (information point)مَرْكز استعلامات  Our company doesn't have a helpdesk; if you have a problem, ask your supervisor. helpline, help-line n (phone service offering support)خط هاتفي للمساعدة، خط مساعدة هاتفي، خط مساعدة  If you are unsatisfied with this product, please call our helpline, open 24 hours a day. home help n (domestic assistant) (شخص يساعد المحتاج في منزله)مساعِد في المنزل How can I help you? expr (what do you need?)بمَ أخدمك؟  Store clerks often ask customers, "How can I help you?" be of some help vi + adj (somewhat useful)مفيد، مساعد  I hope this information will be of some help. radio, radio for help vi (call for help)يتصل لاسلكيًا  One of the climbers had fallen and broken his leg, so their guide radioed for help.  سقط أحد المتسلقين وكُسرت ساقه، فاتصل دليلهم لاسلكيًا طلبًا للمساعدة. self-help n (personal development techniques)مجهود شخصي، جهد ذاتي، اعتماد على الذات  Our individualistic society is obsessed with self help,. self-help n (acting with no assistance)مساعدة ذاتية، مجهود شخصي، اعتماد على الذات  When others are not willing to help you, you have to rely on self-help. self-help adj (relating to personal development) (مضاف إليه)مساعدةٍ ذاتيةٍ  A lot of people rely on self-help books, rather than seeing a psychologist. self-help n (law: remedying wrong yourself)إصلاح المرء الخطأ بنفسه self-help book n (personal development resource)كتاب مساعدة ذاتية، كتاب مساعدة الذات There's no help for it. expr (there is no remedy)لا فائدة، لا جدوى  There's no help for it. We'll have to sell the house. turn to [sb] for help v expr (ask [sb] for assistance)يطلب المساعدة من شخص with the help of [sth/sb] prep (assisted by)بمساعدة شخص/شيء   بواسطة شيء  With the help of a wheelchair, I can get around just fine.   هل هناك شيء مهم ناقص؟ أبلغ عن خطأ أو اقترح تحسينًا. تمّ العثور على 'help' في هذه المداخل أيضًا: في الوصف بالإنجليزية: act in the interests of - aid - all alone - appeal - assist - assistance - at your command - at your service - attend to - auxiliary aids - backscratching - bail out - be cruel to be kind - be my guest - be of assistance - benefactor - boost - buddy - buddy system - bust out - by herself - by himself - by itself - by myself - by ourselves - by themselves - by yourself - by yourselves - call in - call on - calve - carry through - childcare vouchers - come to sb's assistance - come to the aid of - come to the rescue - contribute - customer support - desperate - distress - distress call - distress signal - electioneer - emotional support - enlist - feed into - first aid - friend in need - get started - give a hand في القوائم: Top 2000 English words, Things you ask for, Uncountable nouns, وكذلك.....مرادفات: assistance, aid, a hand, a helping hand, assist, وكذلك.....متصاحبات لفظية: help!, need [professional, legal, medical] help, (please) help me, وكذلك.....

مناقشات المنتدى في عنوانها كلمة "help":

All Dialects/MSA: May I help you / Can I give you a hand Beyond medical help Can you help me? Can't help classical Arabic: to help Could I ask your help with something? couldn't help doing something EA: Do you need help? Egyptian Arabic: I'll do everything I can to help you. Egyptian: To help someone do something Fr: Aidez-moi à supporter cette épreuve/Help me support this ordeal get in touch with me if you need help. God helps those who help themselves He didn't want to help his father Help me to overcome this addiction Help to pronounce words/ names/places in Yemeni dialect Help To Read Arabic Text On Old Document (1809) Northern Iraq help wanted Help with harakaat Help with translation "سله الحوائج" Hijazi: Please help them Hijazi/MSA: I ask help from people many but only few show up Hijazi/MSA: I was trying to help Hijazi/MSA: The people who can help you are not available HOW DO YOU SAY - PETS NAME - FOR TATTOO - PLS HELP I am trying to help my son to find a job (infinitive) I am writing to you with the hope that you might be able to help. I can't promise you anything, but I will try to help I hope I am not bothering you. Can you help me? I will gladly help you in your preferred language وكذلك.....قم بزيارة منتدى Arabicساعد WordReference: اسأل في المنتديات بنفسك مناقشات حول 'help' في المنتدى English Only Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. انظر ترجمة جوجل الآلية لـ 'help'.

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